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Recent implementations in Cantr
Type News
Game Cantr II
Submitted by seko
Created 2014-08-11 23:47:46
One of the major new things in Cantr is animal domestication. It has been introduced gradually and in the future there will be even more tameable animals, the major one to expect being horses (for obvious reasons).

It has also become possible to disassemble some tools, which allows getting part of the resources back.

Another major thing that has made the game more colourful is custom descriptions. First they were only available for characters, but were later extended to building interiors and several items. The plan is that eventually everything might be describable.

In February it became possible for old characters to die of old age if the player wants it to happen. The age limit has been gradually lowered. As far as I can remember, it's currently at 70. However, there will never be a mandatory death from old age.

seko 2015-05-28 13:10:59
Feb 2, 2015 it became possible to make lace items. Feb 6 it became possible to make curtains. Feb 19 several capes/cloaks were added. April 27 horseback riding was introduced, including ostriches and donkeys. May 8 it became possible to make bookcases and display cases. May 28 it became possible to make candy, various pumpkin recipes and mirrors.
seko 2014-10-25 19:34:41
It's now possible to make pasta dishes, scented soaps and colorful fireworks.

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