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Not too bad of a game NOW.
Type Review
Game Nations of War
Submitted by DMH
Created 2008-02-15 20:35:39
I have played that fake game mwm of rmany years, of course many of us have been unable to play it for....many yeras.

Admin is always MIA or broke dick poor, that means that admin and the programmers (if there are even any programmers???) have not done dick ofr 2-3 years.

After yars of sephiroth and his cheating staff this game was headed in a decent, but very short lived, direction. For th past 2 years NOTHING has changed here, not a friggin thing at all.

Well we do get promised a start date but the admin are mia as mentioned, the starts are late and then the friends of Admin win the round, same as they always have.

DMH 2008-02-15 20:42:51
btw that is, a new game is a NEW game after all.

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