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Kapilands launches new Server
Type News
Game General
Submitted by pearlbay
Created 2007-10-25 07:35:50
Have you ever dreamed about starting your own business empire, of becoming one of the hot shots with large purses and even larger bank accounts? Then today is your lucky day, as the successful economy simulation Kapilands has only just a new server.

With more than 100.000 eager traders in realm one, Kapilands offers a lively community and a chance to rise from rags to riches in no time at all. Would you like to become an oil tycoon, or do you see your future in steel - how about starting your own electronics empire? The choice is yours!

Take the chance of becoming your own boss in a completely uncharted territory - be one of the first new business tycoons in world two of Kapilands! Remember: Time is money ....


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