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Lands of Hope - Best Building 2007
Type News
Game General
Submitted by Decius
Created 2007-03-01 21:24:36

It hardly seems like a year has passed since we held our Best Building 2006 contest, but it has ... doesn’t time fly when you are having fun!

The Lands of Hope staff is very proud to announce that entries for the Best Building 2007 contest are now open!

The BB07 contest, is accepting Building, Dungeon and Town Building entrants all through March 2007 the winners will be judged at the end of the month based on several qualities such as:


The contest is open to absolutely anyone in the game who has a building and thinks it is prize winning material, you can enter at the following URL:

The URL contains detailed information on the rules and prizes available, and also the entry form.

Scratch Cards
A major new feature was added this week, to compliment the existing Lottery system we added a Scratch Card system, scratch cards can be bought with in-game money for either 2gp or 10gp.

The higher value cards offer better prizes, and there are over 70 prizes in total from the cards, many of the prizes are totally unique items that you can not get anywhere else in the game and this makes them quite sought after.

The scratch card system has proven to be a big success and is very popular.

About Lands of Hope
Lands of Hope is a browser based online role playing game, dwarfing most other games in this genre by its size and playability.

Set in the fictional land of Myzan, you can choose to play LoH as one of 4 Allegiances (Neutral, Exile, Society and Reaper), the story is still in its infancy but revolves around the age old rivalry between the Exiles and Society and the growing power of the undead allegiance known as the Reapers.

As you journey around the 12 massive realms that make up Myzan you will encounter hundreds of monsters, thousands of quests and gain new powers.

Lands of Hope features a very comprehensive interface system that allows you to access game features through menus, there are hundreds of menus and over 800 screens that make up the game.

There are few browser based games like LoH and its staff is dedicated to ensuring that it stays like it!

Visit for more information and to signup/play.


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