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Pardus "Goes Gold"
Type News
Game General
Submitted by bladefist
Created 2006-10-02 06:55:45
On October 1st 2006 developers announced the completion of the beta version of "Pardus", an MMOBG playable with all common web browsers. The announcement falls on the game's second anniversary and is further signified by the activation of premium accounts and the implementation of numerous additional free account features.

Pardus is set in a futuristic universe where traders, pirates and other spacecraft pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space. The game features a tutorial to get new players started, a vast and persistent universe, dozens of ships and equipment to choose from, player alliances, and much more. Gameplay is completely open-ended and the game is entirely advertisement free.

Developed in Austria by Bayer & Szell OEG, Pardus has been steadily growing in numbers through its two years of testing, and is receiving more and more attention from the gaming community as well as from various game and development related media. The mature Pardus community consists of over 5000 active players.

A special one-time-only 'Limited Offer' is available for players purchasing premium accounts until October 20th 2006.

For more information or to sign up for free, visit:


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