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Fleets of Anarchy SE
Type News
Game Fleets of Anarchy
Submitted by FOA
Created 2006-05-22 13:20:43
This is something you won't find in any other web game. We have installed a Service Pack that offeres an expansion to the original game, giving the user much, much more opportunities and broadens the functionality of the game.

Give it a try, that's all we ask, we know you will like it.

Fleets of Anarchy - Special, is an expansion of the original Fleets of anarchy game to a whole new level. FoA-SE gives users infinite possibilities, players can discover new resources, new alien races, they can effect the relations between races on a universal level. FoA-SE is designed for players that enjoy a good old space based trader/fighter game. Players can design everything from new items to starbases, they can also take over planets or lead a fleet in a war against an entire alien race.


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